User Guide
Release 4.0
Part No. 77000WEB02
April 2001
Printed in the U.S.A. (2106)
Table of Contents
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Scenario 1—Caller Data from Web Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Customizing Contactinfo.htm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Scenario 2—Caller Data from Auto Attendant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Customizing Contact.htm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Configuring Auto Attendant for Scenario 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Uninstalling N-TeliWeb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
Table of Contents
ii N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
N-TeliWeb 4.0
NCS Ware 4.0 integrates VoIP, Auto Attendant, and Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS) to provide the N-TeliWeb feature that allows
internet users to talk to an extension via VoIP and share web pages.
System Requirements
Client/Server System only: NCS Ware Release 4.0 or higher running
on Windows 2000 or Windows NT.
Client System: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or better, or Netscape
4.7 or better; NetMeeting 3.01; and Sound Card.
Web Server: Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 4.0/5.0.
N-TeliWeb Components
Figure 1. N-TeliWeb Component Overview
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
N-TeliWeb 4.0
Installing N-TeliWeb
Make sure NCS Ware Release 4.0 has been installed on the NCS Serv
system and the link to TCP/ IP is enabled before continuing with
N-TeliWeb setup.
1. Log in to the client machine using a domain account and make sure it
is connected to the network on which NCS Serv is running.
2. Exit any/all Windows applications.
3. Insert the N-TeliWeb CD into the CD ROM drive of the IIS web server.
4. Run the Setup.exe program in the N-TeliWeb\WebCall folder on the
N-TeliWeb CD. Follow the step by step installation instructions as
they appear on the screen.
5. N-TeliWeb installs into the Home directory of the IIS server. To verify
installation, start IIS, and select Default Web Site. The WebCall
directory appears at the bottom of the directory, as shown below.
Default Web Site
Figure 2. Logical N-TeliWeb WebCall installation in IIS
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
WebCall Directory Structure
6. To verify the physical location of the WebCall directory, right-click
Default Web Site and select Properties. On the Home Directory tab of
the Properties dialog, the Local Path field shows the WebCall physical
location on the drive (in this case C:\Inetpub\wwwroot).
Figure 3. Local Path in IIS Properties dialog
WebCall Directory Structure
The WebCall directory contains the following subdirectories
Applet—Sample files you can use to set up N-TeliWeb. Refer to the
following sections for details.
Docs—Documentation on N-TeliWeb
Images—Graphics used in the html files residing in the Applet
These subdirectories are also on the N-TeliWeb CD disk.
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
N-TeliWeb 4.0
Applet Subdirectory Files
The Applet subdirectory contains sample pages you can use to set up
WebCall, as well as files necessary for proper N-TeliWeb functioning.
Contact.htm—Customer Information page for use with Auto
contactinfo.htm—Customer Information page for use without Auto
customerid.htm—Page where caller enters customer ID
directory.htm—Template for creating an in-house N-TeliWeb
directory (for internal use only)
IVR_top.htm—Frameset for top.htm and IVRApplet.htm
IVRApplet.htm—Sends connected information to the main
N-TeliWeb applet
NetMeeting.htm—Error message indicating NetMeeting not found
and providing opportunity to download
Nsapplet.zip—Contains files necessary for the proper functioning of
N-TeliWeb (Do not modify this file.)
Nsplugin.zip—Contains files necessary for the proper functioning of
N-TeliWeb (Do not modify this file.)
productid.htm—Page where caller enters product ID
sales_cid.htm—Frameset for customerid.htm
sales_pid.htm—Frameset for productid.htm
Top.htm—Collects caller input and sends the result to the next
WebCall.cab—Contains files necessary for the proper functioning of
N-TeliWeb (Do not modify this file.)
WebCall.htm—Page displaying WebCall window
WebCall.js—JavaScript file necessary for the proper functioning of
Wizard.htm—Error message advising caller to run the initial
configuration for NetMeeting
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
Collecting Form Data, IVR Data and URL History
Collecting Form Data, IVR Data and URL
You can configure N-TeliWeb to display Form Data, IVR Data, and URL
History when a web call is answered by an extension with the NTeliAgent
The IVR data comes
from the Auto Attendant
/ Collect Digit action.
The Form Data come
from the <form
name=infoForm> fields
in the source code of
Contact.htm or
Contactinfo.htm pages
The URL History shows all
URL paths to tagged html
pages the caller visited prior
Figure 4. Caller Data window in NTeliAgent
to the call.
Tagging Pages for URL History
To appear in the URL history, the pages the caller visits prior to the call
must be tagged, as shown below:
<script language="JavaScript" src="webcall.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
For more information on configuring:
IVR Data: Refer to “ConfiguringAutoAttendant for Scenario 2” on page 15.
Form Data: “Customizing Contactinfo.htm” on page 9 or “Customizing Con-
tact.htm” on page 14.
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
N-TeliWeb 4.0
Scenario 1—Caller Data from Web Page
The following scenario, based on contactinfo.htm, exemplifies the simplest
implementation of N-TeliWeb.
1. A web caller browses the company web site and has a question
regarding some product information.
2. The web caller clicks the "contact us" link on the web page. The
Customer Information page (contactinfo.htm) opens.
Figure 5. Contactinfo.htm page
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
Scenario 1—Caller Data from Web Page
3. The web caller enters the required information, then clicks the Submit
button. The WebCall window (webcall.htm) appears.
Figure 6. The WebCall window
If NetMeeting is not installed on the caller’s computer (or
it’s not configured correctly), an error message displays.
This scenario directly dials a pre-set extension. You can
also set the WebCall window to display a DialPad that
caller can use to dial any extension. For details, refer to
“Customizing Contactinfo.htm” on page 9.
4. Once NetMeeting successfully connects to a VoIP port, the web caller
is routed to the proper extension.
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
N-TeliWeb 4.0
5. If the call goes to an N-TeliAgent user, the Caller Data window shows
the Form Data and URL history.
Figure 7. Caller Data window in N-TeliAgent
6. From this point, in addition to voice communication, the agent can
push and share web pages with the caller. For procedures, refer to
Chapter 4, "Using Center as a Workgroup Member," in the Center 4.0
User Guide.
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
Customizing Contactinfo.htm
Customizing Contactinfo.htm
You can use the Contact.htm page to collect caller information, and
automatically direct the call to a specific extension.This collected
information is then displayed on the agent’s screen.
To Alter Form Data
Using Notepad or another html editor, modify Contactinfo.htm source code
as follows:
1. Change the ServerIP
Set the value of the ServerIP to the IP address of the server on which
NCS Ware resides.
<input type="hidden" name="ServerIP" value="">
2. Set DialPad visibility
By default, the code is set to hide the Dial Pad (value = "0") and to dial
a specific number (value = "300"). To show the Dial pad, change the
values as shown below:
Show DialPad, Let Caller Dial Extension
<input type="hidden" name="Extension" value=""><input type="hidden"
name="DialPad" value="1">
Hide DialPad, Autoconnect to Extension 300
<input type="hidden" name="Extension" value="300"><input type="hidden"
name="DialPad" value="0">
3. Alter the data collection fields:
Shown below is the form row that collects the caller’s first name.
Copy, modify or delete variables to your company’s specifications.
<td width="240" bgcolor="#CCFF99"><font size="2"
face="Verdana"><b>First Name </b></font></td>
<td width="282"><font face="Verdana"><input
type="text" size="20" maxlength="40" name="FirstName"
tabindex="1"> </font></td>
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
N-TeliWeb 4.0
Scenario 2—Caller Data from Auto Attendant
The following scenario, based on contact.htm, exemplifies a customized
implementation of N-TeliWeb.
1. A web caller browses the company web site and has a question
regarding some product information.
2. The web caller clicks the "contact us" link on the web page. The
Customer Information page (contact.htm) opens.
Figure 8. Contact.htm page
10 N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
Scenario 2—Caller Data from Auto Attendant
3. The web caller enters the required information, then clicks the Submit
button. The WebCall window (webcall.htm) appears.
Figure 9. The WebCall window with DialPad visible
If NetMeeting is not installed on the caller’s computer (or
it’s not configured correctly), an error message displays.
4. Once NetMeeting successfully connects to a VoIP port, the web caller
sees the Customer Support page, and hears a prompt requesting the
selection of Sales or Tech support.
The DialPad is visible to allow the web caller to close the
Auto Attendant windows and dial a number directly, if so
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide 11
N-TeliWeb 4.0
Figure 10. Customer Support page
5. The caller selects Sales, and the customer ID window
(customerid.htm) appears.
Figure 11. Customer ID page
6. Once the caller enters the customer ID and clicks Submit, the Product
ID window (productid.htm) appears.
Figure 12. Product ID page
7. After the caller enters the product ID and clicks Submit, the web caller
is routed to the proper extension.
12 N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
Scenario 2—Caller Data from Auto Attendant
8. If the call goes to an NTeliAgent user, the Caller Data window shows
Form data, IVR data and URL history.
Figure 13. Caller Data window in N-TeliAgent
9. From this point, in addition to voice communication, the agent and
caller can share web pages. For procedures, refer to Chapter 4, "Using
Center as a Workgroup Member," in the Center 4.0 User Guide.
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide 13
N-TeliWeb 4.0
Customizing Contact.htm
You can use the Contact.htm page to collect caller information, and then
automatically direct the call to a specific extension.This caller information
is then displayed on the agent’s screen.
To Alter Form Data
Using Notepad or another html editor, modify Contact.htm source code as
1. Change the ServerIP
Set the value of the ServerIP to the IP address of the server on which
NCS Ware resides.
<input type="hidden" name="ServerIP" value="">
2. Set DialPad visibility
By default, the code in contact.htm is set to show the Dial Pad (value =
"1") and not to dial a specific number (value = ""). To hide the DialPad,
change the values as shown below:
Hide DialPad, Autoconnect to Extension 300
<input type="hidden" name="Extension" value="300"><input type="hidden"
name="DialPad" value="0">
Show DialPad, Let Caller Dial Extension
<input type="hidden" name="Extension" value=""><input type="hidden"
name="DialPad" value="1">
3. Alter the data collection fields
Shown below is the form row that collects the caller’s full name.
Copy, modify or delete variables to your company’s specifications.
<td align="left" width="128" bgcolor="#CCFF99">
<b><small><font face="Verdana">Customer Name </font></small></
<td width=22 align=left></td>
<td align=left width=282>
<font face=Verdana>
<input type="text" name="CustomerName" maxlength=40 size=20
tabindex=1> </font></td>
14 N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
Configuring Auto Attendant for Scenario 2
Configuring Auto Attendant for Scenario 2
Scenario 2 demonstrates how to use Auto Attendant in conjunction with
N-TeliWeb. For example, when the web caller clicks the Submit button (1),
WebCall connects and the Customer Support page appears. When the
customer clicks Sales (2), the Customer ID (3) and Product ID (4) pages
follow before the caller is put through.
Figure 14. Using Auto Attendant to push pages to the caller
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide 15
N-TeliWeb 4.0
Configuring Auto Attendant
For detailed instructions, refer to Chapter 7, "Auto
Attendant Configuration," in the System Administration
1. Run Auto Attendant. Select which Auto Attendant to use.
2. Select 0-expand tree (top level).
Figure 15. Auto Attendant Configuration - Top Menu
3. Make the following entries, then click Apply.
• Type an Item Name, if desired (such as TOP MENU).
• To assign a voice message, check Prompt and select the number of
the appropriate message.
• Check Push URL, and type the path to the page you want to display.
• Select Level-Expand Tree in the Actions dropdown list.
16 N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
Configuring Auto Attendant for Scenario 2
4. Select 1-get digits (next level).
Figure 16. Auto Attendant configuration - level 2
5. Make the following entries, and click Apply.
• Type an Item Name, if desired (CUSTOMER ID).
• Check Push URL, and type the path to the page you want to display
(e.g., sales_cid.htm.)
• Select Adv.-Collect Digits from the Actions dropdown list.
• Set the Min. and Max. Lengths for digits that the caller must enter.
• Adjust the WebCall Response Timeout to give the web caller
enough time to provide all meaningful information.
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide 17
N-TeliWeb 4.0
6. Select &-get digits (next level).
Figure 17. Auto Attendant configuration - level 3
7. Make the following entries, then click Apply.
• Type an Item Name, if desired (PRODUCT ID).
• Check Push URL, and type the path to the page you want to display
(e.g., sales_pid.htm.)
• Select Adv.-Collect Digits from the Actions dropdown list.
• Set the Min. and Max. Lengths for digits that the caller must enter.
• Adjust the WebCall Response Timeout to give the web caller
enough time to provide all meaningful information.
18 N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
Configuring Auto Attendant for Scenario 2
8. Select &-to extension (next level).
Figure 18. Auto Attendant configuration - send to extension
9. Make the following entries, then click Apply.
• Type an Item Name, if desired (i.e. CALL SALES).
• Select Call.-Ext/Workgroup from the Actions dropdown list.
• Select the Extension/Workgroup from dropdown list.
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide 19
N-TeliWeb 4.0
If a web caller cannot connect, and an error message displays, the cause
may be one of the following:
Error Message
NCS Serv IP address is not correct
Server connection failed.
Please try again later
NCS Serv is not running
Firewall is not open
Option Pack is not installed.
Please try again later.
NCS Serv does not have Center 4.0
Option Pack License.
No more available sessions.
Please try again later.
All session licenses are used or there
are no session licenses at all.
20 N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
Uninstalling N-TeliWeb
Uninstalling N-TeliWeb
1. From the Windows Start menu, select Programs
4.0 Uninstall N-TeliWeb 4.0.
2. Click OK when the dialog box asks if you want to uninstall the
program, and respond to any additional prompts.
1. In the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs.
2. Choose N-TeliWeb 4.0 and click the Add/Remove or Change/Remove
button, depending on which version of Windows you’re running.
3. Click OK to in the dialog box to confirm you want to remove the
service, and respond to any additional prompts.
N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide 21
N-TeliWeb 4.0
22 N-TeliWeb 4.0 User Guide
NEC America, Inc., Corporate Networks Group
4 Forest Parkway, Shelton, CT 06484
Tel: 800-365-1928 Fax: 203-926-5458
Other Important Telephone Numbers
Sales: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203-926-5450
Customer Service: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203-926-5444
Customer Service FAX: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203-926-5454
Technical Service: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203-925-8801
Discontinued Product Service: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .900-990-2541
Technical Training: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203-926-5430
Emergency Technical Service (After Hours) . . . . . . . .203-929-7920
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